Key Takeaways from Building a PC
During my experience in building a gaming PC, I learned many new things such as: the different CPU sockets, how to properly install the RAM in the correct slots, and more. Before I built the computer, I did a lot of research which made the process much easier. I did not have to use the manuals for some of the parts which made the build faster. I did not have much trouble installing the CPU, RAM, and most components to install in the motherboard. The CPU cooler, however, was a bit tricky. I was not entirely sure how to put it on correctly, but after a while, my brother and I finally installed it. We checked the manual again and it said that we needed to put thermal glue onto the CPU before putting the cooler on. We got very worried, but then I realized it had pre-applied thermal paste. The rest of the build wasn’t too difficult and my experience putting the motherboard in the case was easier as the case already had nine standoffs, when some cases only have six. There were already fans in the case, three in the front, two on the top, and one in the back. We had a little trouble connecting the cables, as there were VGA wires that we didn’t know what to do with. Luckily, they weren’t necessary. After three long, but extremely fun hours, and absolutely no (and I mean no) cable management, the build was complete. We plugged it in, and I was a little scared to turn it on, but then I did. All the lights were working and after a couple seconds, a post came onto the screen, meaning the PC works. Then our next problem: Windows installation. We downloaded it onto a flash drive and plugged it in, but it didn’t work. We didn’t know what to do as we used references online and followed all the steps, but it still didn’t work. We were stumped and finally plugged in the flash drive to the back of the pc and it worked. We set up windows and next needed to connect to the internet. Since our motherboard didn’t have wifi, we used and ethernet cable. We thought it was going to be simple, but when we connected the lan cable to the router, it didn’t work. We didn’t know what to do and called our parents, and after a while they figured out what to do. Then we installed the drivers and I learned that drivers let you control the hardware in your PC. Finally I played one game of Fortnite, got second and the last guy was four hp.
Tej Aswani
Graphics Card:

Power Supply:
